Harmony Canvas



1. Introduction

Project Harmony Canvas is created in the spirit of modern web3 decentralized applications, where data is stored on a blockchain, and user is verified via crypto wallet. Harmony was chosen as the blockchain for this project for its speed (2 seconds finality), stability, and, most importantly, community. To maintain uniformity, the Harmony Canvas has a similar design to the Harmony Explorer.

2. NFT tokens

This project provides a canvas as a shared space for everyone. It's divided into tiles where each tile represents one NFT token. Tiles are stored in a smart contract that implements standard ERC721 with all necessary interfaces.

2.1. Dimensions and numbers

tiles in grid

The size of the canvas was chosen to match the "Full HD" resolution, i.e. 1920 x 1080 pixels. Each tile of the canvas has 16 x 16 pixels. This means that the width is 120 tiles. In the case of height, it's 65 tiles because it also contains a placeholder of 40 pixels for the header. This means that there are a total of 7800 tiles.

width: 120 tiles = 1920 / 16 pixels
height: 65 tiles = (1080 - 40) / 16 pixels
total: 7800 tiles = 120 * 65 tiles

2.2. Values of tiles

values of tiles

The canvas is vertically divided into 5 levels. Each level represents a value of tiles. The highest tiles have the highest value 5, and lowest tiles the lowest value 1.

Minting price is set equally by base price (initially 200 ONE*) multiplied by value. For example tiles in the middle of canvas with value 3 costs 600 ONE per tile.

*Base price is subject to change in reaction to market price, temporary discount campaigns, etc.

But it's not all. Values will also play a role in the distribution of rewards or voting. In general, the higher value you have, the better for you. If you own 5 tiles with value 1, it's the same as having 1 tile with value 5. On the other hand, lower tiles might be less visible.

2.3. Market

Harmony Canvas an has integrated marketplace. You can freely set the selling price of your tile and anyone else can buy it. In the same way, you can buy tiles from others. Canvas provides a tool called "Canvas map" that also includes a "Price map". The Price Map is an overlay that shows the prices of all tiles via color levels.

Anyway, as the smart contract implements ERC721, it can be implemented into the third-party markets too.

You can also transfer your tiles on the page "Wallet".

3. Benefits and Rewards

The most significant benefit is the opportunity to be a part of something bigger. Be a part of the Harmony community. But of course, that’s not all.

3.1. Self promotion

Each tile can contain 5 links to social networks or different supported pages. When a specific tile is selected, these hyperlinks will be displayed on the main canvas itself. For example, if you are a validator or NFT artist, you can use the canvas for your logo and link your tile(s) with your twitter, telegram, community discord server, etc.

It's not possible to use any URL address. For example, if you are a validator or NFT artist, you can use the canvas for your logo and link your tile(s) with your twitter, telegram, community discord server, etc. If you miss your favorite social network feel free to contact the author of this project.

3.2. Support validators

You can support your favorite validator if you own at least one tile. On the "Wallet" page, there is a section with a form where you can set the address of your favorite validator. You can get this address from page&mbsp;staking.harmony.one. Your vote is as strong as the total value of your tiles.

Once 50% of the tiles are minted, the selected top validator will be elected for staking 100000 ONE. The next milestone is 75%, where there will be another 3 top validators selected, and the last milestone on the road is 100% with 6 top validators. This means that in the end, 10 validators will be chosen to split the 1 million ONE for staking evenly.

Conditions: Staking with winning validators will last at least 2 years (but the author expects a more extended staking period). If the validator is inactive (unelected) for 3 months, the staked amount can be re-staked to another validator on the ladder of the most favorite validator. This competition can also win an unelected validator, but must be elected in next 3 months (based on the previous rule).

3.3. Rewards

Every time a new tile is minted, 10% of its minting price goes to the common reward pool. This pool will accumulate rewards until 1950 tiles are minted, triggering the reward redistribution. Number 1950 represents a quarter of 7800 tiles, i.e. 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% on the roadmap.

Reward from the pool is redistributed between current owners of tiles according to the total value of their tiles.

formula: your reward = (reward pool / total minted value) * value of your tiles

3.4. Future rewards?

Once 100% of the tiles are minted, a second canvas will be worked on. This time without NFT tokens = no ownership, and no tiles, only pixels (again 1920 * 1040). Every edited pixel will cost some amount of ONE, and a part of the price will go to the new reward pool. There will be more information added regarding the new reward pool.

4. Editing of tiles

Each tile has 16 x 16 pixels, and each pixel can have one of 16M colors, i.e. 256 pixels/colors per tile. You have standard tools like brush, color picker, rectangle and ellipse available. You can use 2 colors at the same time. One is used with left-click, the second left-click + shift key.

You can also upload and place an image. All uploaded images will be stored in history so if you want to use one image across more tiles, upload it once, and then you can gain access to it from history. History is stored only in your browser.

You can mint, buy and sell more tiles in one action, but edit only one tile at a time.

5. Additional information

All actions like minting, transfers, editing, etc., are stored on the blockchain. In case of updated tiles, the smart contract also holds the history of past changes, including the timestamp. This will allow generating so-called time leap videos for youtube with history of canvas evolution.

The size of canvas (Full HD) is also suitable for wallpapers :)