Harmony Canvas



1. Introduction

Project Harmony Canvas (HC) is only a visual gateway between a user's crypto wallet on client-side (browser) and smart contract deployed on blockchain "Harmony.one". Project HC itself is not collecting any kind of user's personal data.

2. Cookies

This web application is not using any kind of cookies and does not contain any tracking mechanism.

3. Client-side

This web application on client-side (browser) stores the history of uploaded images only in its local indexed DB.

Users are authorized only via the browser's plugin "Metamask", which is used to sign blockchain transactions.

3. Server-side

Server is using cache for data + image stored on blockchain Harmony in order to provide only the best user experience.

Server has a standard access log without information about the client IP address.

Server is not using any kind of database for collecting users data.

4. Data on blockchain

Project Harmony Canvas acts only as a bridge between the user's wallet "Metamask" and the smart contract on blockchain "Harmony.one".

Be advised: As a blockchain is a decentralized database, project Harmony Canvas cannot affect any data in a different way than is allowed. Your interactions with blockchain are stored on blockchain as immutable data and cannot be erased.

5. References

- https://www.harmony.one

- https://metamask.io

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain